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reflections for 2009.
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | Time: 9:24 PM
i just dunnoe wad to say.
things just screwed this year..
been asking myself if i did regretted coming to cch.
maybe the answer is yes?
i dunnoe.
this is the last week of school.
meet the parents session is friday..
been praying hard to god to help me..
yes,really to help me,not screwing up my life..
i just dun want this..............
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week40 (interview?)
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009 | Time: 8:31 AM
the television press interview is (conducive) to close (scrutiny) of cadinate. his publice speeches may contain many (cant) phrases,
but a sharp question by an (astute) reporter can destroy a (cliche) filled statement.
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week39 (black vs white)
Date: | Time: 8:29 AM
the international adventure stories (prevalent) on television follow (meticulously) a plot that is (inexorable) in its developement.\these (infamous) men have no capacity for (compassion).
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week38 (fashion)
Date: | Time: 8:21 AM
of all young people, the most (pernicious) is that of fashion. by this is meant the current (vouge) in dress. the youngsters, who are so (glib) when they speak are turned into (homogeneous) mass by the latest craze. how can a youngster who (vehemently) resist advice from the older generation?
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week37 (mind)
Date: | Time: 8:16 AM
the study of the human mind and behavior has had many prominent practitioners, but none is more (revered) thanpanda. he taught that come to thesurface (surreptitiously) and (motivate) behavior.
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week36 (iron man)
Date: | Time: 8:10 AM
lou attempted to (confront) the problem and solve the (enigma) of how one might earn a living and yet not become an (ignominious) slave to the task.,he reviewed the industrial revolution with (antipathy).what others might judge as (penury) was see as the epitome of wealth.
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week35 (whao!)
Date: | Time: 8:02 AM
samy's stories are written in a (jacose) manner, but they contain enough serious matter to make one (pensive).
as he rush back and (divulged) to his friends that the air had crystallized.
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