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week40 (interview?)
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009 | Time: 8:31 AM
the television press interview is (conducive) to close (scrutiny) of cadinate. his publice speeches may contain many (cant) phrases,
but a sharp question by an (astute) reporter can destroy a (cliche) filled statement.
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week39 (black vs white)
Date: | Time: 8:29 AM
the international adventure stories (prevalent) on television follow (meticulously) a plot that is (inexorable) in its developement.\these (infamous) men have no capacity for (compassion).
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week38 (fashion)
Date: | Time: 8:21 AM
of all young people, the most (pernicious) is that of fashion. by this is meant the current (vouge) in dress. the youngsters, who are so (glib) when they speak are turned into (homogeneous) mass by the latest craze. how can a youngster who (vehemently) resist advice from the older generation?
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week37 (mind)
Date: | Time: 8:16 AM
the study of the human mind and behavior has had many prominent practitioners, but none is more (revered) thanpanda. he taught that come to thesurface (surreptitiously) and (motivate) behavior.
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week36 (iron man)
Date: | Time: 8:10 AM
lou attempted to (confront) the problem and solve the (enigma) of how one might earn a living and yet not become an (ignominious) slave to the task.,he reviewed the industrial revolution with (antipathy).what others might judge as (penury) was see as the epitome of wealth.
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week35 (whao!)
Date: | Time: 8:02 AM
samy's stories are written in a (jacose) manner, but they contain enough serious matter to make one (pensive).
as he rush back and (divulged) to his friends that the air had crystallized.
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week34 (hopes)
Date: | Time: 7:54 AM
tim would (fluctant) between high hopes of finding jessica and (unmitigated) despair when he was almost ready to (desist) in his search. the phone calls had (elicited) almost nothing.
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week33 (Ballet)
Date: | Time: 7:49 AM
i have a (propensity) for hiphop and chinese dance,and at the same time i am an (avid) fan of one time i had been a (fledgling) ballet dancer. which is so hard to believe.i tried hard to (allay) the sudden fear of going on stage, but i knew that nothing colud (deter) me from succeeding.
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week32 (predicting the future)
Date: | Time: 7:47 AM
a machine may (usurp) many (menial) can work in less (mundane) ways.(extraneous) material are avoided.
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week31 (propaganda)
Date: | Time: 7:43 AM
as the quantity of propaganda becomes greater,ideas are presented in more(strident) tones inorder to overcome the increased competition.The (concomitant) situation that develops with the step up propaganda. is one that retreats into (lassitude).
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term1week30 (boats)
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009 | Time: 9:16 AM
mark taiwan's boat was so slow no other steamer would (condescend) to race with it. nothing would (mortify0 taiwan more than the fact that ferryboats,waiting to cross the river.mark taiwan wrote in jocose manner about the races his teamer had with islands and rafts.
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term1 week 29 (soccer)
Date: | Time: 9:11 AM
soccer allows the speedy and (lithe) athelete to join with slower and (obsese) one in a team effort.
the knowledgeable (adherent) of a team can follow action covering many parts of the playing field at the same time.
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ter1 week28 (F1)
Date: | Time: 9:05 AM
F1 drivers are (vulnerable) to dangers ther is the (bedlam) caused by the roaring is shaken by the (cacophony) of the brakes.the diver must be (exploit) any mistakes by an opponent.
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term1 week27 (great music)
Date: | Time: 9:01 AM
beethovan was able to free music from the (traditions) that had tended to (constrict) it. he was i child (prodigy).
even though (bereft) of heasring at the age of 49, he did not (falter) in his work.
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term1 week26 (newspaper)
Date: | Time: 8:57 AM
the editor must include or (jettison) items as he sees fit. it is (inevitable) that what the reader should know are (decisive) because they do not want to endanger a (lucrative) business.
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term1 week25(taken for granted)
Date: | Time: 8:50 AM
this (congenial) condition is consumes more water each year.there is no way to (hoard) water.
the residents begin to heed the (sage) advice to limit the wasteful uses of water.
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term1 week24 (forbidden)
Date: | Time: 8:46 AM
an outgrowth of the idea of a (fetish) is the colsely related practice of (taboo).punish the (imprudent) native who violates their
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term1 week23 (A to z)
Date: | Time: 8:42 AM
you may not know the alphabat from (aardvark) to (zymurgy) but you can certainly cope with (analogous) to (susceptible)
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term1week22 (alcoholics)
Date: | Time: 8:38 AM
we (juxtapose) the words "woman" and "alcoholic" many readers sre surprise.
however,the (plight) of many female alcoholics is rapidly increasing.
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term1week21 (the enlightened one)
Date: | Time: 8:31 AM
tim exchanged his sumptuous garments for a monk's yellow robe and went out into the world to do (penance) for what he considered in as his previous life of sin. first he would be becoming as ascetic. after 6 years of desulorty,finally he underwent metamorphosis.
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term1 week20 (cockroaches attack!)
Date: | Time: 8:20 AM
cockroaches are the oldest (extant) winged insects. They have endured the (vicissitudes) of weather,natural disasters,wars...
they reside comfortably in park avenue (edifices).the climate may be (sultry) or frigid but the cockroaches still live.
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