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t1 w19 ( prince william in action)
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009 | Time: 4:30 AM
prince william first move was to declare an amnesty for political prisoners and to invite home all british expatriates. those who have been jail in false charge were exonerated by special tribunals. prince william will abrogate all of the oppressive fiats that his predessor had.
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t1w18 (weirdo,dogs talk??)
Date: | Time: 4:19 AM
tommy have heard from the news that two resourceful psychologists at the university of new york have made splendid progress in vocabulary development in dogs. following a number of abortive attempts to teach chinese,english malays to dogs, the researchers persevered until they hit upon the american sign language that is ofter used by the deaf people. they have had to modify the language somewhat in order to accomodate the animals spantaneous gestures.
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t1w17 (peace)
Date: | Time: 4:13 AM
one of the truly remarkable stories of world war 2 concerns a ruse that was perpetrated with such consummate skill that it save numerous lives of the allied troops and also help to shorten the war. the simple,bold and ingenious subterfuge which british officers concocted is the subject of ewen montagu's classic, the man who never dies.
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t1w16 ( sichuan earthquake)
Date: | Time: 4:07 AM
the sichuan earthquake killed nearly ??? residents of sichuan and injured many. the quake was one of greatest disaster.many of whom were expected to succumb as a result of their injury.especially those who had to seek sanctuary in those schools..etc that remained standing.
belivers took the opportunity to spread the message that earthquake was a harbinger or worse things to come.
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Date: | Time: 4:01 AM
6 more.

following an executive session, the school board ordered the principal to terminate the suspension and to send the pupils back to class forthwith.only if they could prove that their presence disrupted the class or there is no reason that they should be suspend.the principal swallow a big gulp of saliva for the principal irritational was excerbated by the ruling.
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Date: | Time: 3:53 AM
okay i think im going nuts.
need update another 7 more post.
jiayou amanda:)

mrs wadever sensitivity to life among 100 teenagers quickly proved to be accurate.the first evidence is when one parent whom is believe to be her student's parent called her to be in charged of the cafeteria who needed help to quell a disturbance.she then rushes down to the scene and to her surprise consernation,many students were pounding on their table and making a complete fiasco.
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Date: | Time: 3:45 AM
my buddy tom,a precocious automotive wizard, and i were inspired to do some inventing on our own. we thought it might be feasible to park our car parallel to a space on the street.after think for sometime, we brought the idea to henry in order to elicit his reaction.after sometime, tom claim that our ideawas inane.and i think that probably henry was just jealous bout our idea.tomorrow, we are going to start on something that could measures our intelligence of perverse automobile dealers.
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Date: | Time: 3:44 AM
hroughout literature we find recurring tales of forthright people who are outspoken in condeming illegal practices only to be brought low themselves when they commit such acts.we can expect to find similar instances in which a person's ethics are compromised.
for example drink driving,tom(not his real name)an aggressive man.Tom make pernicious remarks about anyone who was driving while intoxicated. One day his son henry got into a serious car accident and his car was being smansh into several pieces. following that flagrant violatation of the law, tom resign from work. now, he hates any such criminals who was found behind the wheel of car would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
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